The goal at Trinity Lone Oak Lutheran Preschool is to promote the development of the whole child, focusing on cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth while sharing Christian values in a safe and caring environment. Each child will be provided with a variety of concrete and hands on, integrated learning experiences. Young children learn while at play and learn best by being directly involved in the learning process. The teacher will understand that each child has his or her own developmental stage, learning style and cultural background. Instruction is designed to build upon this diversity, while developing each child to his or her fullest potential.
Trinity Lone Oak offers a flexible preschool program. Parents are able to choose 3-5 days for their child to attend, subject to availability for that day.
Morning preschool sessions run from 8-11:30 am.
Full day preschool sessions run from 7:45-3:15.
We also offer extended day programming! Join our before and after school preschool program, the Cub Club. The Cub Club allows busy parents the flexibility to drop off as early as 7:00 am and pick up as late as 5:30 pm.
Play is central for children as they are developing their imagination, self-confidence, creativity and problem solving. Preschool is a time for young learners to participate in developmentally appropriate activities, acquiring new skills. Trinity Lone Oak’s preschool program emphasizes social development and kindergarten readiness, foundational for future learning.
Using hands-on learning centers, children experiment with science, math, language, art, music and early literacy. TLO will strive to create a rich, engaging environment, providing opportunities for young learners to interact with blocks, manipulative games, creative dramatics, stories, puppet shows, cooking and sensory experiences. Our students grow socially, emotionally, physically, intellectually and spiritually and leave preschool well prepared for kindergarten.

The children will be a part of engaging, creative lessons all grounded in the rich biblical teaching and faithful doctrine that forms students in their Christian faith and prepares them for life in this world – a life looking forward to eternal life in heaven with their Lord.
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Learning to read and write is a natural process of language development. Reading, writing, listening and speaking are related processes complementing one another. Listening to stories and poems enhances language development. Continued exposure to words in print daily stimulates children to observe and learn about written and spoken language.
To learn to write, a child needs fine-motor skills to hold and move a pencil. Writing also takes an understanding of the purpose of writing and how letters work together to make words. Most children follow a natural progression as they learn to write, beginning with scribbling. The scribbles will later become letters and finally words.

Children are naturally curious about their surroundings. The methods of science create a natural way for children to learn through exploration. Specific science topics are studied in correlation with the curriculum themes.

Math is much more than learning to count. Children need to learn about patterns and concepts such as bigger and biggest. They need to learn about sizes, shapes, quantity, and number. Math also means being able to think about and solve problems. Math concepts can be learned through everyday activities and play. Children learn best by solving problems that come up in daily life.

Social studies are about people and how they work and play together. We don’t often think of teaching a preschooler social studies; however, learning to get along with others and how others may affect our lives will help prepare your child for social studies in school. A preschooler can learn to think beyond themselves and about other people around them.

Arts are a natural favorite for most children. Playing with play dough or clay, coloring, and painting are all great ways for children to explore their world and express themselves. Allow the child to tell you about the picture. Remember, process is more important than product.

The Preschool class will participate for two 30 minute classes each week. Class time focuses primarily on the enjoyment of music and understanding how to use our bodies to create it. Throughout the year, students learn through listening, echoing, solfege, movement, pitch matching, simple instruments, notation, and playing of rhythms. All students in this choir participate in the Christmas Concert and the Spring Concert.

Physical Education is up to 4 days a week! Students experience a wide variety of activities. Activities include movement themes, manipulative skills (bean bags, beach balls, balloons, etc), rope jumping (individual skills, partner skills, long rope skills), rhythmic movement and dance, parachute, bowling, relays and games, additional manipulative skills (scoops and balls, hoops, wands, paddles, flying discs), scooters, and health related fitness.

The church and school own a parcel of land next to the playground that has been designated by Minnesota's DNR (Department of Natural Resources) as a School Forest. Students use the space in every season for any subject area. In any given week, one might find pre-algebra students using proportions to measure tree height, first graders examining and identifying leaves, fourth graders writing creatively about the sounds of autumn, or eighth graders conducting biological plot studies. Chapel services are also conducted in the forest in the worship area created by a student as an Eagle Scout project.